Intrastat and One Stop Shop

Do I still have to report Intrastat if I no longer have a local VAT registration in a another European country?

31. March

Do I still have to report Intrastat if I no longer have a local VAT registration in a another European country? 

From 1st of July 2021 it is possible to report your EU distance selling via One stop shop. 

Accordingly we have been asked about whether businesses using the OSS scheme still is obliged to file Intrastat returns – The answer is “No”.  

It is possible that you regardless of applying the OSS filing portal still need a local VAT number, e.g. if you have consignment goods in other EU countries, if you have goods stored in other EU countries, or if you supply goods via online market platforms.

As always, please feel free to contact IntraVAT if you want to know more or need help for a local VAT registration in another country.