New Custom Declaration System in UK

Great Britain prepares to discontinue CHIEF and are readying themselves for CDS

15. July

HMRC to change Customs Declaration system

The implementation of the new CDS - Customs Declarations Service in Great Britain is a long awaited update for the old-fashioned CHIEF - Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight.

With the new CDS in place, you can expect things to run smoother and easen the accessibility to retrieve your documents online. 
However, changing government IT-systems and procedures doesn't come without hassle toward it's users.



The process of discontinuing CHIEF has been ongoing for a long period and from March 31st. 2023, it will no longer be possible to use CHIEF for exporting, which means that majority of of british importers and exporters already have made the change to CDS.

From September 30th. 2022 CHIEF will close for all import, which will affect all foreign companies having activities with products in Great Britain.
If your company is registered with a GB EORI-number and/or GB VAT-number, your company will be affected with the same procedures and rules as the local registered companies. 

Read more:

Are you already a client of IntraVAT we can happily announce, that you do not need to take any action, as all of our clients already have made the transition to CDS and are registered on HMRC.